17 Jun
Happiness Diaries Episode 29 - Janneke (Tajikistan/Uzbekistan)

Hi there, I’m janneke, currently traveling through Central Asia on a motorbike. I never thought I could ride a big motorbike; able to steer the black stallion called Salvador onto gravel roads and high mountain passes. But I can. Achieving something like this makes me realize that if you want to do something in life that although feels a bit scary, just do it. It will expand your own borders.

But, the happiest part of this trip is the fact that I am able to share this feeling with the person I admire the most, my coach on the road and the person pulling me through the good & bad times. Sharing live experiences with Tim makes me one of the happiest people on earth.

Check out their Instagram or the Gravel For Breakfast website and videolog!

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