05 Aug
Happiness Diaries Episode 22: Bill Fischer (Kings Canyon, Australia)

Happiness! My children make me happy – there was a time in my life when I could’ve lost them but I made it my purpose to maintain and grow our relationship and today its an absolutely amazing relationship I have with them. And now that there is a grandson on the scene, it adds a whole new dimension to my happiness.

If I’m being totally honest though, my happiness isn’t complete – It would be good to share my life with a loving partner. Someone who has similar interests to and who can share life’s wonderful journey with me. I’ve been alone for quite a while now and I wonder if I’ll ever find that person.

Friends though are vital – I have two main groups of friends – those who ride and those who don’t. My riding friends are a very special group of people. WE care for each other sincerely, motivate and support each other and share a passion. My non-riding friends are mainly through my chuch and the support I get from them has been life changing.

So am I happy? Yes I am!

I love my life and feel blessed to live why I live and associate with truly wonderful people. I have a strong faith in god and believe that has helped me through lifes challenging times.

Bill Fischer is the father of three adult children and one Red BMW 1200GSA. Prior to a rather recent retirement he was a producer and on air sportscaster for AFL, NRL (different rugby for those in North America) and basketball. Through his work he was able to travel Australia and the world (including Canada for the World Basketball Championships one year), and while his working in sport has concluded his passion remains and his bike continues the demonstration of this – It’s coloured after his favorite team and his number plate is in honour of his favorite player Carl Dieterich.  Since gap years weren't invented when he left school/university, chasing the career was the focus. After spending 30 of those 40 career years riding a bike to work, he’s ditched that road bike for an adventure bike and has a great motto to live by as he heads out around the world on the GSA “The rest of my life is my Gap Year”.

Bill has a similar mentality to me, believing that travelling for the sake of travelling is not quite as satisfying as it could be and thus wanting trips to have a higher purpose. For him, Rooey a St. Kilda stuffed bear helps him meet achieve that goal. Throughout his journeys he takes photos with Rooey and then when he gets home he writes two books about the trip, one for his grandson and is oriented towards children as it is written ‘by Rooey’ highlighting his Amazing Adventures. Rooey writes it and appears in every photo and it’s like a Where’s Wally to find him. The other book is for grownups and tells the stories of the trips in both script and photos. Both books are for sale and the proceeds are donated to Maddie Riewoldt's Vision. Over the last few years Bill has successfully explored much of Australia’s wild country, including his current three month trip which took him diagonally across the country from Sydney to Darwin (ish), down the West Coast, then across the South back home. From our fireside chats Bill has grand designs on where him and Rooey could continue their explorations, it seem like he sees overseas trips in the not to distant future. With South America being a potential future goal, maybe Robin and I have happened upon an adventure buddy? Can only hope!  Highly suggest you check out Bills website at www.mygapyears.com.au for some incredible photos and storytelling, and if you enjoy the site definitely help out Maddie Riewoldt’s and buy one of his books!

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